Monday 30 September 2013

Target Audience & Research

As a means of exploring my target audience, I set out surveying males and females of 13-20 year old's a set of questions relating to what type of music videos and genre they like to watch on a regular basis. Here are the questions listed below and their answers.

Target Audience Profile:
-Males and females
-Interested in hip-hop and rap
-Doesn't mind listening to other genres
-Most like has a job
-Interested in gigs
-Likes new artists
-Spends free time looking for new music

Male - 20
Female - 18

Preferred Genre
Hip-Hop/Rap- 14
Pop- 7
Indie/alternative- 9
Alternative Rock-0

How Often Do You Watch Music Videos?
1-4 a week - 12
5-7 a week - 16
More than 8 a week - 10

What Do You Look For In A Music Video?
Story - 4
Artist Based - 15
Location - 3
Clothes/mise-en scene - 7
Editing Effects - 5
Choreography - 4

Which Of These Three Types Of Music Video Do You Prefer?
Performance Based - 14
Concept Based - 8
Narrative Based - 2 


Having surveyed my target audience, I have come to decide upon a performance based music video because this seems to be the most preffered within my target audience with a heavy focus on the artist and mise-en-scene.

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