Friday 18 October 2013


  • Stage with curtains
  • Field

The stage is where the majority of my music video is going to be filmed. This is because this is the easiest location for me to incooperate the specific lighting I need to carry out the ideas I have for the music video. It also has a somewhat reflective wooden surface meaning that the red candles can reflect more light, this would mean that I don't need to think about a way to include more natural low key lighting. It is also big so I have a lot of space to manouvere and incooperate a variety of long shots.

The field is going to be used everytime the chorous comes on. This will be high in natural lighting. This is so the actor can be walking while lip syncing to the song and can look like the actor is going to try and copy the 'essence' of emotions portrayed by the original artist in the song.

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